My darling body,
I’ve never done this before, so you might be a little surprised to receive this. I know we’ve had our ups and downs (quite a few downs I must say), but I feel it’s time I write to you to apologise and tell you how much I love you.
I think I would be lying if I said we’ve always been the best of friends, because there have been many times when I have honestly hated you and, for what I’ve put you through I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve also hated me. Sometimes I wonder how you’ve always managed to stay by me for this long.
I think the best way of doing this is to go through you from top to bottom, just to make sure I don’t miss anything out. So, let’s start with my hair. Wow I used you find you annoying, so frizzy and gross, even the hottest straighteners in the world wouldn’t sort you out. But, I’ve learnt to love my crazy waves, they are what make me, me. I know how lucky I am to have such thick hair, although you can be a pain and definitely have a life of your own, but we’ve worked out how to get along, with the occasional fall out.
My moustache...I remember thinking why on earth do I have hair on my face! I’m not a man, I should not have hair there! I now know, that it is completely normal. Yes ok, it would be nice if the occasional long black hair would stop turning up unannounced, but ok if you want to be spontaneous and keep me on my toes then do, it just might not stay there for very long.
Now let’s talk about my boobs. Our boobs. Surprisingly larger than you expect them to be, don’t you think? That’s been an interesting whirlwind of a relationship, I like them, I hate them, I want them to be smaller so I look slender and petit. Now I fucking embrace them, they make me feel sexy and are what make me a woman. Boobs you are so much more than just an object, you are going to do so many amazing things in years to come, and are hopefully going to help me raise my children.